Javier Arrés is a world-renowned motion / GIF artist and a 2019 London Art Biennale winner. Inspired by the sweeping views from his childhood home overlooking his hometown of Motril, Spain, Arrés is known for his manically detailed illustrations of fantastical scenery from cities, architecture and machines. He further brings these worlds to life through what he calls “Visual Toys”. Through these Visual Toys, Arrés invites the viewer into a fantastical world, inspiring the viewer to simply play with their imaginations.


LONDON ART BIENNALE WINNER "Work on Paper" Category. 2019.


EMERGING ARTIST By Hi-Fructose (New Contemporary Art magazine - USA). 2017

International Prize Leonardo da Vinci - The Universal Artist.. Florence Italy. Third Edition. 2020

FLAMANTES 2018 Artist included in the book of young artists. 2018.

Press Notes:

- MtvAsia Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlhTJ56r7gU National Suisse Radio

- Hi-Fructose Modern- Art Magazine Article: https://hifructose.com/2016/11/17/the-wild-intricate-animated-gifs-of-javier-arres/

- CreativePool People Choice Award´17 : https://javierarres.wordpress.com/2017/04/02/javier-arres-illustration-people-choices-award-winner-2017/

- National Spain Tv Web (RTVE) Article:http://www.rtve.es/noticias/20181024/javier-arres-mundo-hipnotico-lleno-locuras-neones-colores/1821721.shtml


- Art Capital Paris 2020.

- London Biennale 2019.

- Featured at iDAF(International Digital Art Festival) Manchester. 2019.

- International Guest Artist Gif-Fest 2017. Singapore.

- FEATURED GIF-ARTIST at MediaLive Fest Exhibition at Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA). (EE-UU) 2017

- WE CONTEMPORARY. Prague. 2019.

- COMIC CON MADRID 2018. Guest artist

- New Art Café. Galería Luna 13. London. 2018


Proud Member of OpenArtCode International artists' group. Represented by IllustrationX. #1 Illustration Agency London