Megaspore is set within the Mecha Ascent universe, a cyberpunk world inhabited by creatures of unknown descent. These souls have unconventional methods of locomotion and seem to have been altered by a greater being.
Created with modern CGI tools but rendered in a fashion that resembles a hand-drawn aesthetic.
Additional Details:
- 864 x 1080 px, Video (36.1Â MB)
- This is a signed and limited edition digital creation.
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Michael McAfee
Edition: 1 of 1
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Michael McAfee
Edition: 1 of 1
Offer Method
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To complete your offer, you'll need a STart Crypto account to safely store this creation upon purchase.
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I love the style of your artworks! I would like to see a movie with these colors :)
One day I hope this becomes a reality!
Awesome style, reminds me of Moebius drawings:) Loved the sound effects also!
Thanks George. Moebius remains a huge influence!
Love it .Awesome Moebius style
Love this one! my favorite! The model, shader, background, animation are really great
Thanks so much!